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What is normal in the equine musculoskeletal system and what is not?
A common pathway for veterinarians, equine physical therapists and farriers


Opening of the Congress


The challenge of differentiating between non-pain related gait variants, pain-induced abnormalities of gait and neurological dysfunction

  • Sue Dyson


Coffee break


The relationship of the hoof shape with limb conformation; distinguishing between hoof shape adaptation and distortion. Palmar/plantar angles and other issues of the coffin bone within the hoof capsule

  • Hans Castelijns




The correct shoulder sling – functional chains of active and passive stabilization of the shoulder girdle

  • Stefan Stammer


The correct functioning of the shoulder sling – essential to solve problems in the pelvis, sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine, part 1

  • Karin Leibbrandt


 Coffee break


The correct functioning of the shoulder sling – essential to solve problems in the pelvis, sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine, part 2

  • Karin Leibbrandt


Panel discussion

  • Sue Dyson,
  • Hans Castelijns,
  • Stefan Stammer,
  • Karin Leibbrandt,
  • Jindřich Vinčálek,
  • Annamaria Nagy


Gala Evening (Novotel Hotel)

What is normal in the equine musculoskeletal system and what is not? – in depth

Pathway for veterinarians


Philosophical discussion about the role of a variety of factors influencing the development of hindlimb lameness – conformation, training methods, surfaces, general management, rider’s morphology, balance, skills and saddle-fit issue

  • Sue Dyson


Coffee break


Factors inducing diagnosing, treating and managing hindlimb suspensory injuries, lumbo-sacroiliac joint region pain, front feet pathology and neck

  • Sue Dyson




Clinical manifestation of neck and back pathology. How to recognize the main site of pain

  • Filip Vandenberghe


Coffee break


The equine distal limb: Where did MRI and CT bring us in 2023 and how does it influence our diagnostic approach

  • Filip Vandenberghe

Pathway for farriers - Wola Hippodrome

A part certified by the European Federation of Farriers Associations

9.00 - 10.30

Wet lab on treating and managing palmar hoof pain - part I

  • Hans Castelijns
  • Jindřich Vinčálek


Coffee break


Wet lab on treating and managing palmar hoof pain - part II


Lunch break

14.00- 15.30

Two cases with podotrochlear problems (navicular bone, bursa, impar ligament, deep digital flexor tendon lesions in the distal region, collateral ligaments of the distal sesamoid) and with collateral ligament desmitis of the distal interphalangeal joint - part I

  • Hans Castelijns
  • Jindřich Vinčálek


Coffee break


Two cases with podotrochlear problems (navicular bone, bursa, impar ligament, deep digital flexor tendon lesions in the distal region, collateral ligaments of the distal sesamoid) and with collateral ligament desmitis of the distal interphalangeal joint - part II

  • Hans Castelijns
  • Jindřich Vinčálek

Pathway for equine physical therapists


How to diagnose a dysfunctional shoulder sling and the impact it has on the hoof balance

  • Karin Leibbrandt


Coffee break


Mobilisation and stabilisation of the shoulder sling in the non-ridden horse

  • Stefan Stammer




The importance of vertical balance regarding activation of the shoulder sling in the ridden horse

  • Karin Leibbrandt


Coffee break


Methods and techniques to stabilize the cervico-thoracic junction and cervical spin

  • Stefan Stammer



Sue Dyson

Qualified as a veterinarian from the University of Cambridge in 1980. After an internship at the University of Pennsylvania and a year in private equine practice in Pennsylvania, Sue returned to Great Britain to the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket. [...]

Hans Castelijns

Obtained a farriery diploma in 1989 and graduated from veterinary school at Perugia - Italy, in 1998. He works in Italy as a professional farrier since 1987 and as a farrier - veterinarian since 1999 in the field of equine podiatry including Thorough- and Standardbreds, race and show Arabs, show jumpers and reining horses.

Karin Leibbrandt

Is a certified veterinarian specialized in equine rehabilitation and training, who recognizes the importance of a properly functioning fascial system. Karin is constantly broadening her knowledge on how to train horses so that they can achieve full biomechanical balance. [...]

Filip Vandenberghe

graduated in 2001 and joined immediately after the orthopedics department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University. In 2004 Filip joined the equine clinic Bosdreef and became partner in 2008. [...]

Jindřich Vinčálek

In 1980 I graduated from the University of Agriculture in Brno with a specialization in horse breeding. Until 1989 I worked as a rider of sport horses. In 1991 I passed the shoeing exams and I still work as a farrier. Since 2000 I have been the chairman of the Guild of Horseshoers of the Czech Republic.

Stefan Stammer

is a physiotherapist and a sports and gymnastics teacher. In 1999 he became an equine osteopath. Since then, he treats horses and has introduced a complete physiotherapy system to manage and keep sport horses performing well up to the international elite level and for rehabilitating them after injury. [...]

Filip Vandenberghe

graduated in 2001 and joined immediately after the orthopedics department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University. In 2004 Filip joined the equine clinic Bosdreef and became partner in 2008. [...]

Jindřich Vinčálek

In 1980 I graduated from the University of Agriculture in Brno with a specialization in horse breeding. Until 1989 I worked as a rider of sport horses. In 1991 I passed the shoeing exams and I still work as a farrier. Since 2000 I have been the chairman of the Guild of Horseshoers of the Czech Republic.

Stefan Stammer

is a physiotherapist and a sports and gymnastics teacher. In 1999 he became an equine osteopath. Since then, he treats horses and has introduced a complete physiotherapy system to manage and keep sport horses performing well up to the international elite level and for rehabilitating them after injury. [...]


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